New Jersey Department of Children and Families, Office of Housing
Location: New Jersey
Family homelessness reaps devastating effects on families. National research shows that, absent comprehensive intervention, these families often confront out-of-home placements for their children, family dissolution, ongoing substance abuse and mental health disorders, intergenerational poverty, and long-term homelessness.
90% of the pilot families remained housed; 61% of child welfare cases closed in an average of 10 months after move-in; 100% of children returned to their families from foster care and stayed with their families; Abuse and neglect reports decreased dramatically; and, Roughly 63% had no further involvement with the child welfare system.
- KFT Program Manual
- Connecting Young Adults to Home: A Resource Guide for Supportive Housing Providers Working with Young Adults
- NJ DCF published their 2014-2023 Evaluation Brief to summarize the outcomes from the NJ KFT program.